Wednesday, August 26, 2009

As of May my cancer was in remission. I just had my first 3 month check up and am still in remission. Really, other than that the last six months have been eventful. I spent the last 4 days at Mercy with the flu. I have had 4 hospital stays in the last six months. Sorry I haven't written but our internet was out or I was sick or something always came up. The company I worked for Excel Physical Therapy, won't be renewing their lease in Ankeny, so I don't have to worry about returning to work too soon. I ran into Mindy Flanagan while at mercy this last time. We are convinced we have an Erin Brakovich scandal at Four Mile. Reis keeps me busy and thoroughly entertained. Amanda remains my rock and my sugar momma. I hope everyone is well.
Take Care,

Monday, February 16, 2009

Over the last 20 days Andy has had liquid radiation, chemo, and his stem cell transplant.

The liquid radiation treatment is part of a clinic trial Andy is in. The drug, Zevalin, is commonly used for treatment of non‑Hodgkin's lymphoma. The hope for Zevalin use with multiple myeloma is that it will kill the precursor cells and prolong remission. Overall Andy handled this treatment well. The first 'test' dose he had a reaction which caused his throat to swell. Luckily the nursing staff is well prepared and expects these things to happen.

Melphalan was the chemotherapy Andy started 14 days after the radiation. Melphalan interferes with cancer cells by slowing their growth and spread in the body. After Andy's two days of chemo he received his stem cells back.

The stem cells travel from the blood bag through the central venous catheter, in Andy's chest, into his blood, and to his bone marrow, where they will begin to produce new cells in 1 to 3 weeks. All of the treatments has left Andy's body unable to fight infections. So he is taking many antibiotics and has daily physicals and blood draws.

Andy has been so sick the last two days that he has lost 13 pounds. Andy has had to receive platelets twice over the last five days because his body is unable to produce it's own. He has also had to receive lots of fluids to keep him hydrated.

I am very proud of how Andy is handling this difficult time. Today, day +5, even after being up sick ALL night long he was still joking with the nurses and giving them a hard time.

Overall, Andy is in the midst of his down time. I am hopeful that it will not last long.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


February 11, 2009 at 10:30am my husband experienced his rebirth.

Andy has been sick with nausea for the last two weeks straight. But, he has been a good sport in not letting that keep him down. Andy received a break with his nausea two days ago when the doctors started to prep him for the transplant by giving him a regiment of new drugs.

The transplant went well today. Andy said it was very anticlimactic. We arrived at the hospital a little before 5:30 this morning and checked out at 3:30pm. Andy had some discomfort this evening and was very tired. I will encourage him to blog the experience through his eyes if he feels well tomorrow.

Please feel free to email, call, or write to Andy. He will need the continued encouragement in the weeks to come.

I love you Andy! I am very proud of the progress you have made and the man that you are.
Gift of Life Transplant House
Attn: Andy Estey Rm 1
705 Second St SW
Rochester MN 55902

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Once again all apologies for the long hiatus in my blogging. I will get you up to speed with a long winded attempt to gain your sympathies. We returned to Mayo Dec 17, 2008 at which time I had to repeat all on my previous tests again, including my favorite 24 hour bottle of urine that I carry around. I had a lung scan which is my new least favorite test of all. A person held me down and tried to smother me while they took x-rays of my lungs. IT SUCKED! On Dec 19th I awoke at 6 am for a blood draw in preparation for a palindrome catheter placement "central line". Surgery was scheduled for 10:30 am and I was wheeled into the OR at 2:30pm. I got my first bite to eat at 4 pm, in a near diabetic state.

(central line palindrome catheter)
The central line was used to harvest my stem cells starting Dec 22nd. Its a process very similar to donating plasma. My goal was to collect 8 million stem cells over the next 3 days in order to get home for Christmas. In order to motivate myself I competed against an elderly Finish woman.
  • day one: Andy = 3.9 million cells Finish woman = 2.5 million cells
  • day two: Andy= 1.6 million Finish woman = 2.4 million
  • day three: Andy = 3.4 million Finish woman = 2.4 million
So, we made it home Christmas Eve just before midnight. We got to see Reis open presents. It was a beautiful day.

We returned back to Mayo once again... I am currently undergoing tests for a clinical trial that requires me to get scanned twice a day for two weeks. I am on track to get the full dose of the trial meds on Jan 28th. The chemo will follow roughly two weeks later.
Please feel free to call 515-210-3813 or 515-210-4705

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mayo Memoirs

Yesterday we met Dr. Lacy. She mentioned a trial I might benefit from. Dr. Lacy then re-ordered most of the tests I underwent at Mercy. My personal favorite is the 24 hour urine sample I had to collect. At Mercy I got to do this at home. At Mayo I had to carry my urine around the hospital while undergoing tests Monday and Tuesday. Monday I had a blood draw, radiographs of my entire body, a chest x-ray, an electrocardiogram, and an MRI. I started the morning off today with a bone marrow biopsy, which they thankfully put me under for. I almost got a pneumonia immunization that I had already received at Mercy. I was told that two of these shots would give me a nasty rash and make me ill. Glad we caught it in time. I ended my day with a neuro CT. In the waiting room Amanda met a couple of nice old ladies from Iowa and she ended up programming their cell phones for them. Tomorrow I get to meet with an orthopedic spine surgeon to consult on my back. Hooray!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mayo Clinic

Hi All,

Andy and I arrived in Rochester, MN this afternoon. Tomorrow we will start our day off early at Mayo Clinic. This is our first visit. Andy and I are anxious and a bit nervous about all the unknowns. We will be meeting with Dr. Martha Lacey of the Hematology Dept. She specializes in blood cancers like myeloma.

Andy's balance and strength continue to improve. He is now allowed to pick Reis up. Even Reis is excited about how strong daddy is.

Take Care and God Bless.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sorry it has been so long since I have written. I am feeling much better now. I hope all of you are well.

First and for most, I want to thank everyone for the golf tournament. It was a great turnout. Thanks to all of you who played and a very special thanks to all of you who worked so hard to make the golf tournament possible. It was a really wonderful event. It touched my heart to see all of you. I'm proud to know such a wonderful group of caring and giving people.

The tumor in my hip has shrunk. I no longer wear a back brace. I've ditched the walker and cane, although it looks funny when I walk and is a little painful. The hospital bed is out of the house and has been replaced with an exercise bike. Amanda and I will be heading to Mayo in Mid-November to find out more about the stem-cell transplant.

Thanks to all my buddies for getting me cable. I have enjoyed all the Iowa games. Anybody that would like to enjoy my cable please call.

Let me close by saying I promise to blog again in less than four months time.

Andy Estey