Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sorry it has been so long since I have written. I am feeling much better now. I hope all of you are well.

First and for most, I want to thank everyone for the golf tournament. It was a great turnout. Thanks to all of you who played and a very special thanks to all of you who worked so hard to make the golf tournament possible. It was a really wonderful event. It touched my heart to see all of you. I'm proud to know such a wonderful group of caring and giving people.

The tumor in my hip has shrunk. I no longer wear a back brace. I've ditched the walker and cane, although it looks funny when I walk and is a little painful. The hospital bed is out of the house and has been replaced with an exercise bike. Amanda and I will be heading to Mayo in Mid-November to find out more about the stem-cell transplant.

Thanks to all my buddies for getting me cable. I have enjoyed all the Iowa games. Anybody that would like to enjoy my cable please call.

Let me close by saying I promise to blog again in less than four months time.

Andy Estey